‘Learning, Caring and Growing Together in Faith’

Summer 1

Amazing Africa! 


Amazing Africa.jpg


Our Christian Value this half term is perserverance. 

This half term we are reading two exciting books called 'The Goggle Eyed Goats' and 'Meerkat Mail'. We will be using these books to help us write some super adventure stories and letters. In our Science lessons we will be learning about food chains, and food sources. 

goggle eyed goats .pngmeerkat mail .png

In PE we will be focusing on our fundamental skills of kicking, and we will be learning how to strike and field in our games unit. 

In DT we will be designing and creating our own puppets. We will then use these to retell our own stories from English. 

In our Geography lessons we are learning about a contrasting place, focusing on Mugurameno. We will compare lives and traditions to those that live there and ours. 

In RE we are learning about the Church, we will learn that the Church is a special place where Christians meet to worship. We will know that Church is a holy, blessed place. We will learn about different world faiths and understand that they have their own special holy places of worship. 


  • time
  • number and place value
  • addition and subtraction
  • capacity and volume
  • temperature
  • fractions 
  • shape 

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