Autumn 1
Autumn 1- Worden Park
This half term we are learning all about the history of Worden Park. We will be thinking about why it is significant to us today and how it has changed.
In Science we are learning about habitats and Worden Park will help us with this too.
In our Art lessons we are finding out about LS Lowry, particularly looking at his park paintings. We will use his work as inspiration to create our own park art work.
In RE we are looking at and learning about the Bible, as well as other holy books. We are thinking about why they are so special.
Our PSHE question is 'What makes a good friend?' and we are developing our PE and music skills too.
In Maths this half term, we will be learning about:
Number and Place Value
Measure - Length and Weight
Addition and Subtraction
Geometry / Shape
In English this half term, we will be focusing on:
stories with familiar settings using Percy the Park Keeper: After the Storm to support us. We will also be learning about non-chonological reports and poems on a theme using autumn senses.