‘Learning, Caring and Growing Together in Faith’ ‘God is my strength in whom I trust’ - Psalm 18

Eco Commitee

Each class has nominated children to be part of our Eco Committee to help look after our school environment.

Through work by our school council last year we already have paper bins in each classroom and baskets to recycle our milk bottles. We have also got litter pickers to help keep our school grounds tidy.

Mark From Lancashire County Council also came in to train our Eco committee. He taught us how to look at whether we are ‘using or wasting’ energy and water. Our Eco club will now be helping to save energy and water in our classrooms too.

  • turning lights out when we leave class (break, lunch, worship, PE ect)

  • Turning the interactive whiteboards off at these times too.

  • Ask if the blinds can be opened unless they are closed for a reason. 

  • Turning taps off that are not in use