‘Learning, Caring and Growing Together in Faith’ ‘God is my strength in whom I trust’ - Psalm 18

Our Church School

Our School Vision Statement


St Andrew's Infant School is a Christian school where children are happy, nurtured and love learning. 

Through an inspiring and inspirational curriculum, we strive to ensure our children flourish spiritually, 

academically, and creatively to become confident, resilient learners. 

Everyone here learns, cares and grows together in faith.

'God is our strength in whom we trust.' Psalm 18:2


School Motto

“Learning, Caring and Growing together in Faith”


Our Values








Aims and Objectives of Our Vision Statement


We aim to teach a broad and balanced curriculum by carefully planning and delivering experiences appropriate to the age and developmental stage of the child whilst adhering to statutory requirements.

  1. Being a Controlled Church of England School, we aim to develop within the children an awareness of Christianity and spitituality and are proud of our close links with the local Parish Church of St Andrew’s.
  2. We aim to prepare our children for life in a multicultural society by exploring the religion, language and lifestyle of other cultures.
  3. We aim to offer equal opportunities for all our children, encouraging them to value and have respect for the lives of others.
  4. We aim to build up strong links between home, school and community, developing an environment in which everyone concerned with the education of young children can work together in partnership.