‘Learning, Caring and Growing Together in Faith’ ‘God is my strength in whom I trust’ - Psalm 18

Dragonflies 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Dragonflies!

Your teachers are

Mrs Ashcroft (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri) & Mrs Winrow (Wed)

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Your teaching assistant is:  Mrs Bentley 

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Useful class information:

This half term our PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays.

Maths home learning is set every Friday on SUMDOG and must be completed by the following Friday. Logins can be found in the back of your child's reading record book. 

New spellings will be set on ClassDojo every Friday. These will be linked to our learning in Spellings or Phonics.

Reading books should be brought into school daily and are changed every Friday. Each child will bring home two books. One book will be their Guided Reading book, linked to Spellings/Phonics and the other will be a book recapping previous learning. Please use the reading record to let us know how your child is getting on with their reading at home. Children should read a minimum of three times per week. The children will also bring home a library book of their choice each week.  

A choice of homework activities are found in Home Learning Books. If your child completes an activity, encourage them to bring it into school to show me and earn DoJo points.

Please name all items of clothing.

Any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will respond as quickly as possible. 

Thank you


Our Class Prayer 


Thank you for our kind teachers who look after us in school.

Thank you for our lovely friends. 

Help us to take care of each other.

And help us to make the right choices.



Our Favourite Bible Story:

We chose Daniel and the Lion's Den because it shows that God keeps His promises.


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