‘Learning, Caring and Growing Together in Faith’ ‘God is my strength in whom I trust’ - Psalm 18

Spring 1

Spring 1 - Mysterious Beasts!

This half term we are going to be learning all about dinosaurs, Luna New Year and the season of winter:-

We will learn about fossils, carnivores, herbivores, Mary Anning and Lyme Regis!

We will taste Chinese food and go on a winter walk!

In PSHE we will be thinking about the special people in our lives and have a teddy bear's picnic with a special teddy.


In Literacy we will be continuing with drawing club, learning new vocabulary, enjoying stories, poems, drawing and writing!

Some of the texts we will read are:-

         Dinosaur that pooped a planet.PNG Gigantosaurus.PNG  dinosaurs in my school.PNG  Luna New Year.PNG


In maths we will learn numbers 6, 7 and 8 how to add and subtract within these numbers.

We will continue to learn our number bonds to 5. We will learn about capacity and weight.

Children will also develop their knowledge of early doubling using numbers to 8.

During our learning about Luna New Year we will learn positional language and ordinal numbers.


Religious Education

Our Christian Value is Compassion.

In RE we are learning about the stories Jesus told and the meaning behind each story.

Later in the term we will begin to learn about prayer and different ways we can communicate with God.

We will be reading the following stories...

 the good samaritian.PNG   parable of the sower.PNG   the lost sheep.jpg  The two builders.jpg



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